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Classification types


In order to make it easier for our volunteers to understand and organise, we have drawn up a guiding scheme on the different types of waste collection events.

The scheme is based on 3 factors: the slope and type of terrain (Terrain); the quantity and quality of the expected waste (Volume); and the expected movement during the collection (Excursion).

Based on these general guidelines, each volunteer can equip and prepare at his or her own discretion.



  • Pianura (flat): this category includes all meadows, parks, villages, which extend over a flat area.

  • Collinare (hilly): there may be one or more either descents or moderate ascents.

  • Scosceso (incline): the slope is considerable, an example being footpaths or mountain villages.

  • Ripido (steep): high slope of more than 20%, it may be necessary to sit down.

Terrain Type

  • Città (City): collection takes place on the cement.

  • Parco (Park): green areas in the city, such as Parco Ciani.

  • Lineare (linear land): dirt tracks, beaten paths, meadows, all with little or no high vegetation, such as country areas.

  • Off-road: indicates an off-trail pick-up, so the possible substantial undergrowth must be taken into account, but also the possible uneven terrain.

  • Anfibio (Amphibious): his category includes cleaning actions that can be considered 'amphibious', i.e. you can also treat areas covered with water, such as rivers or the banks of lakes and ponds. Depending on the river being treated, whether it is dry, with large boulders or predominantly water, the use of waterproof equipment such as gloves and boots is likely to be required. The same applies to lakes, including sand or pebble beaches, natural and artificial shores (such as the dyke bridge), all in the vicinity of the lake, which may entail the need for waterproof equipment (such as gloves or boots).


Type of waste:

  • Rifiuti da passeggio (walking litter): rubbish such as cigarette butts, cigarette paper, handkerchiefs, bags for dog faeces, anything that people passing by drop, generally of a small size.

  • Rifiuti da party (party waste): plastic bottles, glass, bags, food wrappers and containers, and those in the previous category. Waste that people take to campfires or camping but do not bring back home

  • Rifiuti urbani (domestic waste): are waste from households, generally this waste was dumped in the forest last century. Large and small household appliances, vehicle parts, or whole vehicles, cutlery, cleaning items, furnitures, etc.

  • Rifiuti edili (building waste): waste of all types and sizes from construction sites, factories, farms, etc. Among which we can find metals of various types, tools and instruments, industrial plastics, barrels, nets and much more


  • 1°grado - piccola (1° degree - low): only a few remnants of heedless people (maximum one full 16 gal. bag).

  • 2° grado - media (2° degree - average): a relatively small amount, such as an area frequently used for parties (2 to 5 "16 gal." bags).

  • 3° grado - elevata (3° degree - high): large amount of rubbish, we probably cannot clean the area in a single session. (6 to 10 "16 gal." bags per time).

  • 4° grado - immonda (4° degree - very high): huge amount of rubbish, almost certainly the area cannot be cleaned up in a single appointment (over 10 "16 gals." per time).


  • Stazionaria (static): an outlined area is given to be cleaned up and one focuses on that portion of the land. For example in the case of an illegal dump from the last century.

  • Setaccio (sieve): a general area of varying size, even large, to be sieved is indicated.

  • Camminata (walk): a route is planned from A to B to be scoured and on which rubbish is to be collected. The difference with precedence is that one moves along a path a road or similar instead of scouring an entire area.

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