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Support us by buying a hat

If you don't have time to come to one of our collections, but you still care about Nature, or if you are impressed by our work, you can buy one these products. Doing so allows us to purchase the material we need for waste collection events, such as garbage bags, gloves, tongs and so on.


To buy the huts you can just send us an email to with the desired quantity and where to send the goods, then once payment is received in a couple of days the hat will be yours!

Acquista: Partecipa

Buy a cap with our logo now



If you want to support us without buying anything, you can make a donation

With the donations we buy rubbish bags and material used by the volunteers during the collections.

IBAN: CH 7400 2362 3615 9911 01A
Name: Associazione Gruppo Verde Speranza
Account Nr.: 236-159911.01A

Our website is under construction for the English language, so we're sorry for any bad translation ☹

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Con le donazioni compriamo i sacchi dei rifiuti e il materiale utilizzato durante le raccolte dai volontari.

IBAN: CH 7400 2362 3615 9911 01A
Titolare: Associazione Gruppo Verde Speranza, 6826 Riva San Vitale
N. di conto: 236-159911.01A

© 2020-2023 Gruppo Verde Speranza. Created with

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